March 30, 2011

My Top 10 Beauty Tips

1.Moisturize. Moisturize. Moisturize.
Keeping your skin moisturized is key to maintaining skin that is soft, smooth, toned, and wrinkle free. A good trick is to use your favorite moisturizer immediately after you dry off from your shower/bath. This helps the skin absorb the moisturizer more efficiently. Also, you might want to consider using an all natural moisturizer. This will ensure that your skin is absorbing nothing but the best instead of perfumes, dyes, & harmful chemicals. I love using organic coconut oil or shea butter.

2. Freeze...Get Your Hands Off Your Face
Our hands are what I like to call little germ mobiles. They are in contact with everything, spreading bacteria from one thing to another. Hint, touching your face is not such a good idea. It can lead to breakouts. Speaking of breakouts, picking at a blemish only causes more harm. You're basically spreading more bacteria and damaging a "wound" that was in the process of healing. In the end the results are red irritated skin and scaring.

3. H2O For Sure
I'm sure everyone and their grandmother has told you this but it's true, drink water and a lot of it.  The body is primarily comprised of water. So it would be a good idea to keep it that way. If you don't like the taste of plain water try adding lemon or lime juice. Even better, try adding orange or grapefruit slices to your water. Put the soda, coffee, alcohol, and brightly colored red fruit drink down...I repeat...these types of drinks dehydrate your skin/body and just aren't good for your body period.

4. Stick To The Regimen
The key to any skin regimen is…staying on the regimen. Especially if you have acne prone skin. Once your skin has cleared, you will imagine you are no longer a person with acne. You could not be more wrong. Vigilance is all. Stick to the routine no matter what. Not sure what a skin care routine should entail, read Fall Back Into A Skincare Regimen... 

5. Catch Those Z's Girl
Sleep is very important for the body (and to me). It's a time when the body repairs and replenishes itself. Thus, getting the right amount of sleep is crucial. I would say 7-9 hours is best. I'm a napper so I'm a firm believer that a little cat nap does the body good.

6. A Little Sweat Won't Hurt
Exercise is also important for the body.  Exercise tone the muscles, keeps you fit, and  has been linked to slowing the aging process down. It also helps circulate the blood (great for a clear and healthy complexion) and aids in eliminating toxins via sweat.

7. Be A Natural Beauty
I'm not a fan of too much make-up. For one, I hate the removal process and secondly, I don't want to look like someone other than myself. My rules are:

* Make-up should not be used to create a whole new you. Rather it should be used to emphasize the already beautiful you God has designed you to be. 

Less is more. If you emphasize your eyes stick with a neutral lip. If you emphasize your lips stick with a neutral eye. Or just stick with an a la natural look for your entire face...always a winner in my book.

8. Laugh...A Lot
I love to laugh. Everyone who knows me know this. More importantly, a smile looks good on everyone and it's one of the cheapest beauty treatments around. Studies have shown that laughing:

* Reduces stress, nourishes the spirit, and is a natural antidepressant. 

* Is directly related to youth as well as beauty. 

* Affects your appearance in a good way. The facial muscles/tissues (lips, cheeks, etc.) are exercised and toned, which leads to an over all improvement in skin condition.

Audrey Hepburn said it best, "the happiest girl is the prettiest."

9. Multivitamin Anyone
I'm fan of a multivitamin supplement. Let's face it, it's hard to eat the required amounts of fruits, veggies, fiber, etc. at times . Here's where a good multivitamin can help out. It should be used to "supplement" and/or compliment your diet. Multivitamins are not a dietary replacement or should be a sole source of your daily essential nutrients.

10. Love Your Hair & It Will Love You Back
Your hair is one of the first things people notice about your appearance. That's why taking care of it is key. My rules to maintaining healthy hair:

* Keep it clean and conditioned. This is key for encouraging hair growth.

* Keep the ends trimmed every 6-8 weeks. This is key for retaining length and healthy hair.

Try to use all natural or naturally derived products.

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