January 11, 2011

Green Tea Please

Over the past few years the popularity of green tea has been on a rise . I'm seeing green tea incorporated into skin and beauty lines, food, and supplemental products. Why is everyone jumping on the green tea band wagon? Well it's probably due to the positive effects it has on our health. There is plenty of research out there (over a decade’s worth ) regarding its benefits. Most of these health benefits boils down to two basic components found in green tea. Catechins (a family of antioxidants) and  L-thiamine (an amino acid). These components found within green tea pack a mighty punch in contributing to good heath as a whole.

Antioxidant Super Hero                                                                                                   

The antioxidants in green tea protect against cell damage. As a result it lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Weight Manager                                                                                                                

Green tea has been shown to fight obesity and lower LDL ("bad" cholesterol). Its fat burning property (catechins) helps burn fat.

Infection Fighter                                                                                                               

Green tea has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. The L-thiamine in green tea helps stimulate certain cells within your immune system that protect the body against bacterial viral, fungal, and even parasitic infections.

Mood Booster                                                                                                                     

The L-thiamine in green tea can improve mental focus and encourage a sense of relaxation.

Skin Beautifier                                                                                                                  

The antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties in green tea have been shown to improve acne and soothe inflammation. The antioxidants in green tea help rejuvenate skin cells and prevent skin cancer.

*Green tea is not a cure all miracle supplement nor is it a drug. However, green tea is a great addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle…so drink up!

(1) Wikipedia
(2) Challem, Jack, "Green Tea | Discovering the healing benefits of the health elixir. Amazing Wellness Magazine (Winter 2011)" pp. 28-30
(3) MedlinePlus

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