March 6, 2012

Goal Setting 101 (Pt. I)


We're well into the year and I'm sure many of us at the start of the year probably came up with a few goals that we would like to embark on and/or achieve. I think now is the perfect time to look back and reflect on/review (somewhat of a friendly reminder and motivator if you will) the areas of life that we're striving to grow in. However, it's also a perfect opportunity to seek out God's guidance on whether or not these goals of ours are aligned according to His will and purpose for our lives. As a result we develop a deeper relationship with the Lord, healthier relationships with family and friends, and a peace of mind that comes with a well- planned, God focused/God lead strategy to living life successfully.  

When we don't give serious thought to our goals and how to go about reaching them, our time, money, and priorities will usually be determined by others. So here are a few good tips to think about when setting and adjusting goals:

Getting Started

1. First ask God to guide you in the goal setting process so that  each goal will fit according to His purpose for your life. Never underestimate what God wants to do in your life through your goals. Therefore keep your mind and heart open to God’s desires for you. Proverbs 16:9 reminds us, “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” This doesn’t mean you are not suppose to make plans and set priorities. However every now and again you will need to adjust your focus as God reveals His purposes for your life. So seek God out and ask Him about what areas in your life you need to set a goal/goals for. That way you are clear on exactly what you should do...which leads me to point number two...

2. Goals can not and should not be fuzzy, unreasonable, and unmeasurable.

3. Write out your goals and put a date on them to measure your progress. Get a friend to hold you accountable and periodically check up on your progress. If you don't reach your goal on the exact day/time that you set to reach it on this doesn't mean to quite and give up, keep striving until you do. Which leads me to point number four...

4. Make a commitment to that particular goal/goals that your striving towards. That way when it becomes a bit challenging you won't give up and you'll stay focused and motivated. 

5. Remember if your goals are set according to God's purpose and plan for your life He will enable you to reach/achieve them.

What Are Some Areas in Life That Should be Considered

1. Spiritual (developing a deeper relationship with God; prayer life; sharing faith with others; servanthood)

2. Family & Social (serving others; spending quality time/fellowship)

3. Career & School

4. Financial (tithing; debt; saving with a purpose)

5. Personal: (health; hobby/hobbies)

Why We Fail to Set Goals

1. We don't know how to

2. Mentally lazy

3. Lack of faith

4. Fear (afraid of failure)

5. Some think it's unnecessary

6. Some think it's unscriptual which isn't true (see Proverbs 21:5)

I hope that this will be of help and encouragement to all of you. Better yet I hope that you all can be among the few who end this year with more accomplished and less left undone.  

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