February 9, 2011

DIY Half Moon Manicure

The Half Moon Manicure is the edgier kid sister of the French Manicure. Lately it seems as though I've been spotting this nail trend everywhere. So of course I bit the bullet and stepped out of the box of "Plain Jane" and tried it out. I must say it took me a second or two to warm up to the manicure but I actually like the sense of uniqueness and chic-ness it adds. On the other hand, I did weird-out a few people, but after the first glance...or two...or three, they liked it.

When trying out this DIY beauty project you can keep a slight retro feel by using neutrals with black(if you're more of  the unique and daring type). You also go more monochromatic with 2 different shades of one colour (if you're more of the chic and simple type).

You Will Need:

Base Coat {I used SinfulColors Professional Base Coat}
Primary Color {I used Rimmel Lasting Finish Pro in Steel Grey}
Accent Color {I used Rimmel Lasting Finish Pro in Midnight Blue}
Top Coat {I used SinfulColors Professional Topcoat}
French Manicure Stickers

Step 1: Paint your nails with a base coat to prevent staining and to extend the life of your manicure.

Step 2: Paint your nails with two coats of the primary color of choice. Allow to dry for 20-30 minutes or until completely dry.

Step 3: Apply the French Manicure stickers near the base of your nails (not the tips). For a crisp clean line, make sure to rub the sticker on the nail and that there are no ridges or raised areas where the sticker and nail meet.

Paint the area (base of nail) below the sticker with two coats of your accent color and allow to dry for 20-30 minutes prior to removing the sticker.  Remove the sticker and touch up nails as needed. You can use a q-tip dipped in nail polish remover to remove any excess polish from the cuticles or skin.

**Note: I chose to free-hand the half moon shape but only do this if you have a straight and steady hand.**

Step 4: Top with a top coat. And voila you should have a perfect manicure...enjoy!

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