November 26, 2010

The Act of Thanksgiving

"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures for ever; His faithfulness continues through all generations." ( Psalm 100:4-5 )

When I think of the meaning of "Thanksgiving" the actual holiday is not the only thing that comes to mind. The meaning of this word implies a form of action, that in which one must actually do the act of giving thanks. Therefore, giving thanks shouldn't be a one day thing, especially in the life of a Christian. It should be a continual daily act of life...more so a lifestyle! In thanking God it honors Him and allow us to focus on the things in life that really matter...Him and our intimate relationship with Him. So instead of waiting for the Thanksgiving holiday season to remember what you're grateful for, take a little time out each day to give thanks unto the Lord. There's always something to say "thank you" for!

Wishing Everyone A Blessed & Fun-filled Thanksgiving Holiday,


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