September 13, 2010

Complaining vs. Thanksgiving Face-off

When it comes to complaining we all have had our equal share of doing it. When tests, trials, and/or hardships arise that’s when the battle is on. That battle of whether we should use our voice as a tool of praise or as a tool to complain. When I found out that  complaining is ultimately destructive and debilitating to not only myself but others around me, I unhesitatingly with a quickness made a commitment to focus on giving thanks to God rather than take the seemingly gratifying easy route of complaining about a stressful situation or person.

I found that it’s a whole lot easier to honor the Lord with thanksgiving. The ending result is that of me trusting in Him and knowing that He is in control; and that whatever it is He’s allowed is because it’s for my good and it is ultimately to make me more like Christ (Roman 8:28).

Lets take a closer look at the Complaining vs. Thanksgiving face-off shall we:

Reasons Why Not To Complain:                                          
(1) Uhmm...did I mention it's destructive and debilitating to yourself and others.
(2) It exhibits an attitude of ungratefulness and even bitterness.
(3) It makes you a poor witness for Christ…God’s not getting the glory.
(4) It doesn’t change your situation(s)/circumstance(s) at all.
(5) It can lead to sin (i.e. disobedience, gossip, lack of faith and the list goes on).

Reasons Why You Should Give Thanks Unto God Instead:
(1) That’s what God told us to do... (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
(2) It allows us to step aside and allow God to step right in and handle the situation/circumstance.
(3) You’ll be happier (have you ever been around a person with a complaining spirit, very grumpy).
(4) Allows us to be an awesome witness for Christ…remember people really are listening and watching what you do and say everyday.
(5) Keeps us focused on God and not the issues of life…when you’re focused on the issues of life you tend to want to complain.

What To Do Instead Of Complain:                                       
(1) Uhmm...give thanks unto to the Lord (if you didn’t know by now)…be thankful for who He is (Awesome, All Powerful, Merciful, One and Only God...) and what He’s done.
(2) Pray
(3) Read God’s word of course
(4) Keep a positive attitude
(5) Laugh

God’s Take On Complaining vs. Thanksgiving:                   
1 Thessalonians 5:18-In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you…
Philippians 2:14- Do all things without grumbling or questioning
Ephesians 4:29- Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear

*picture source
* New International Version Bible verse links sourced from

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